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Tri-Athlete Performance Drastically Improved with Miracle Water

Tri-Athlete Performance Drastically Improved with Miracle Watertriathlon

Dr. Trish Vinzani, a Chiropractor and Athlete practicing in Atlanta, GA – Shares how during a Triathlon Competition Kangen Water hydrated her and provided much needed energy.  She began drinking Kangen Water for the first time only the day before the event.  Her team prepared enough Kangen Water for every bottle needed during the day long race.  In such a short amount of time this super-hydrating Kangen Water was enough to make an amazing difference: Trish knocked a full half hour off of her best time ever.  She also experienced a notable reduction in muscle soreness after this endurance event.  This indicates how effective Kangen Water is at shuttling oxygen to cells and how effective it is in removing lactic acid from the body to avoid muscle burn.