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Testimonials: Real People Who are Drinking Ionized Water

Welcome to our Water Ionizer Testimonials Page. Alkaline ionized water has many health benefits. Alkaline Water Plus has collected a number of water ionization testimonials over the years of people using a water ionizer and the benefits of alkaline ionized water to their health. In addition to my own personal testimonial, at Alkaline Water Plus we’ve collected a multitude of written and video testimonials from people all over.

Below all of the written testimonials, you can watch videos about people drinking ionized water and the great results they are getting drinking alkaline ionized  Kangen water! This page contains a wide collection of written and video water ionization testimonials. Many of these testimonials have been gathered from various locations all over the internet in an attempt to concentrate a large number of water ionizer use testimonials in one location. The benefits that are there to be had with alkaline ionized water are as variable as there are people. You are welcome to add your testimonial to this collection. Simply email your testimonial to and we will add it to this page. Thank you!

Help for all Kinds of Ailments!

Stephen recently purchased a Samsung 9-Plate Vesta water ionizer and he emailed in this testimonial. It was about a 2-page testimonial, so I’ve bulleted the main points for ease of reading:

  • For some reason, I find myself much more relaxed.   More resistant to excitability and upset.   Calmer and sleeping more soundly and actually resting, not just lightly sleeping.
  • After drinking 1 gallon of ~9.5pH water for 2 1/2 weeks, all of my pain symptoms from severe O-Arthritis disappeared completely.   So did the curving forces exerted on my spine.
  • The large dry scratchy patches on my elbows disappeared after 4 1/2 weeks.   The large, thick, and hard callouses on my toe tips have almost completely disappeared after 6 weeks.
  • Micro wrinkles have disappeared from my face, as have my forehead horizontal creases.
  • My hair has blackened, thickened both in density and individual follicle thickness.   Profoundly.   Noticeably.
  • no fatigue, no aches and pains, no knee swelling.  (I have an artificial knee).
  • After 6 weeks, my mind is sharper than it has been for 4+ years.  Yahoo !!
  • my situation with holding my pee went from disastrous to being able to hold my water for 3 hours
  • properly hydrated for the first time in a long time, if ever.   Good Luck with your health whatever you decide.  If you have your health, you have true wealth.
Steve B
66 years old, male
35  to 45 pounds overweight
Feeling better than I have in 20 years !!!
Thanks for taking the time to read this.   🙂

Help for My Sarcoidosis

I have only been drinking the water for two weeks, but I know it’s helping my sarcoidosis. I feel so much better and have more energy. But the reason I know it’s helping for real is that I have these bumps on my skin because of my condition. One of the sets of bumps are gone completely and the others are fading! This is the first time I’ve seen improvement since I got this disease.


My husband has high uric acid and is a diabetic which causes gouty arthritis. His hands, fingers, knees, actually all of his joints caused him great pain, preventing him from playing golf and some times even getting around. Now he is mainly free of pain which he feels is all due to his drinking ionized water. He claims he can’t live without it.

I, on the other hand have hypertension, high blood. I swear by this water. My coffee tastes better, cocktails taste better and I feel better. Amy my 12 year old grand daughter has completely cleared her face of pimples by using the astringent side on the face daily. It’s like magic.

This machine, I would guarantee any one, will keep them healthy and out of the doctor’s office. It’s fantastic and a treasured machine in our kitchen.”

Mrs G. Sirhal of Fort Lauderdale, Florida , USA


I was also skeptical of this “miracle water” when I was introduced to it. I tried Kangen water so as to not hurt a friend’s feelings. After 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs and had absolutely no desire to drink diet sodas (which I normally would consume 2 or more a day). I then took it more seriously and adjusted my diet without the usual cravings of previous diets. After 7 weeks I have lost 24 lbs and my osteoarthritis has all but disappeared (without taking the high dosage prescription medications I was on for years). So say what you want but for me proof is in the pudding……it has far exceeded any “Western Medicine” remedies I had tried in the past. The Japanese are right on this one……..D. Usty, Seattle ,WA


Ellen [whose name I’ve changed] has a story that she wants others to hear. She doesn’t use computers and so I am relaying her story for her. When she was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago, she did everything the doctors told her. She did chemo and radiation therapy and underwent an operation to remove the tumor. All seemed fine for 3 1/2 years, then her cancer returned (only worse this time). The doctors had no new treatments (just repeats of the old ones), so Ellen decided to do her own research. That’s where she found out about water ionization. She purchased a water ionizer and began drinking ionized water. It’s over a year later and her latest checkup reveals NO cancer. She continues to drink alkaline ionized water, but now she has decided to join me as an affiliate and FIGHT CANCER for everyone by bringing the news of water ionizers to everyone she knows. Her strength, health, and vitality has returned to her. Her happiness and hope have returned. She manages a 5-acre farm and still has time to bring friends and family gallon jugs of ionized water to drink (until they can afford to get their own water ionizer). Someday soon, I’m going to get her to tell her own story in her own words, but for now I thought this was just too good of a story to leave unpublicized. …Cathie

Prostate Cancer

“ Don & I are in our 80’s and have lived in Washington for our entire lives.  My husband was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and we were told he didn’t have much time. Don was getting weak and we had to make some decisions quick! We sold our home & property where we had lived for 50 yrs, as we wanted to downsize in preparation for the inevitable.   The Doctors gave Don radiation tablets but things didn’t look good and we weren’t hopeful.  Just before Christmas time 2008, Cheryel told us about this water thing.  I couldn’t remember much of the conversation other than she had been going through chemotherapy herself, and she kept talking about this water that she swears by.

We were interested in Cheryel’s story, but Don was feeling poorly as he was having a hard time with his kidneys and we had to leave.  We didn’t think about the conversation again, as we were preoccupied.  However my nephew showed up at our house one day shortly after Christmas with this a water ionizer that Cheryel had loaned to us.  She thought it might make Don feel a little bit better at the very least.

Don has been drinking the water ever since.  When Don started drinking the water his PSA was 253.  When we last saw the oncologist at the end of April 2009, Don’s PSA had dropped down to 1.1 and has remained at low cancer free levels ever since.   Don’s kidney’s continue to get better.

We haven’t made too many changes other than drinking the water and eating a bit better.  I can’t think of anything besides the water that helped Don.  Whatever that water does, we love it and think everyone should drink it.  Don & I want to thank Cheryel

Arthritis and Fibrobyalgia

Kangen water has changed my life. I was almost bed ridden. I have 5 bulged discs and a broken bone in my neck, I have arthrities in my hand and wrist and was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which had me down and very depressed.

I have NO more pain at all in my hand and wrist, I have not had a fibromyalgia symptom since I started the kangen water. My neck has had very minimal pain if not any at times….Colette Harms, Chehalis, WA.

Knee Pain

“After purchasing our Jupiter water purifier five months ago, I have been drinking 3 to 4 liters daily. We found the Bathurst water supply had a consistent pH reading of 7, so we started off on the lower setting, drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8. We then progressed to the higher settings and have been consuming pH 9 ever since.

Prior to Ionized water I had aches and pains in my knees which I suspected to be ligament or cartilage damage after a long sporting life. This eventually dissipated and when I visited my Naturopath yesterday he confirmed, via his computer iridology scan, there was no longer any visual signs of uric acid in the body. It’s great to be able to run up and down stairs again without hindrance. He also showed me the fibers in my eyes controlling my kidneys had improved, and these were more clearly defined, indicating better organ functioning. I advised him my candida had also improved and he confirmed this by showing me that the discolored spots (mucus) around my eyes had lightened since my previous scan.
My wife Rhonda had suffered from indigestion for many years before drinking the alkaline water. Her digestive system has improved and she is no longer dependent upon Bi-Carb Soda or Enos for relief. She has also noticed improvement to her knees (also problems due to sport) and we have both lost about 5k in 5 months, mainly around our waistlines. We found a glass of water quickly suppressed the appetite and stopped us snacking on inappropriate food between meals. The antioxidant water has proved very addictive and it made us crave for more. Rhonda recently commented that we haven’t had the dreaded hay fever this year (first time for 20 years), thus no drugs have been required for relief.
After recently completing a course of external chemotherapy (Efudix) to treat skin cancers, I found the healing process to repair the skin more rapid, after treating my internal system with the alkaline water (antioxidants), and my external body with the acid water (astringent).
We have also been using the acid water on our garden and indoor plants. As the Bathurst climate is very extreme it is difficult to grow azaleas, but the acid water is doing the trick. Our indoor peace lilies have bloomed for the second time in six months, (an annual occurrence only prior to Jupiter watering). The acid water is also proving a good pesticide for the vegie garden, eliminating the use of those nasty chemicals, which previously found their way into our bodies and did untold damage.
We say, God Bless those who help themselves to better health by being water wise(r).”
Bob & Rhonda Henry, Bathurst


My wife of 75 years young has had the following improvements with in two weeks of drinking Kangen ionized water. Clarity of mind. That right. She could not go shopping without a shopping list or she would not remember what was on the list. Well she went shopping and left the list at home and remembered all 6 items. That may not sound like a lot but perhaps there are some people out there that can appreciate how big that is. Much more energy. Digging in the yard which she would not even think of doing before we got the Kangen water processor. Ok Now my friend who I give the water for free has diabetes and has been on the water for 2 weeks called me today and told his blood sugar went as low as 86. Something he has not had for years and his weekly average was down 39 points. And this is only after 2 weeks…..Stanley Braverman, Mesa Arizona

Stable Blood Sugar Levels


I’ve tried the Melody and it is what you say it is…great. Thank you for your good information. I have diabetes and the ionized water is making my blood sugar levels more stable. I hope that this water keeps me healthier longer. I think it will. It feels good to my body to drink it. I’ll write more when I get more experience with it….Susan

High Cholesterol

I purchased Enagic’s SD501 without ever tasting the water or seeing a physical machine. My wife got the MRSA staff infection 3 times over a 4 month period. She started drinking the water and now going on 4 months has not had any out breaks.

I have been battling High Cholesterol for the last 15 years, starting at the age of 25 my cholesterol was 205, during my 30’s is has been ranging from 220 to 257. I have never taken any cholesterol meds and have been moderately active in exercise.

I just got my cholesterol results two weeks ago and my total cholesterol dropped from 257 down to 144, my triglycerides dropped from 120 down to 69, my LDL cholesterol dropped from 183 down to 91.

This is no placebo effect. I have tried dieting, eating healthier foods, vegetable juicing etc… without any good results in reducing my cholesterol.

At the end of the day, I really don’t care what skeptical chemist, doctors, etc… has to say since they believe if it can’t be proven scientifically then it can’t be true.

Remember this,
…Sal, Phoenix, AZ


I was a HUGE skeptic – at first. But after drinking the water for just a few months, it DID change my life. No more chronic fatigue, no more depression, 20 pounds+ lighter, and so much happier….Alexandra, White Mountains, Arizona

Memory and Energy

I’m 79 years old, and recently began drinking ionizer water. At my age I have come to expect that getting up in the morning is a chore and that energy is not something I have a great deal of. I am also aware that my memory has been going from bad to worse. My kids call it my “Whatchmacallit” syndrome as my sentences slowly fill up with forgotten words.

It’s only been a month since I began ionizer water, but the changes have been profound. I walked from home to the beach, 2 kilometers along the beach, and up about 60 steps to a lookout. My kids were amazed, but I didn’t even think about it. The energy was just there!

I have had a recurrent eye infection for a long time and it has cleared up. My inflamed gum, another long term problem, has also greatly improved, and my tinea is undergoing its own “healing crisis” and appears to be drying out from underneath the skin, my kids tell me, is much, much better, and that’s a wonderful thing for me, having seen my sister succumb to Dementia. I am more aware of my food. I am aware of my choices and have stopped the “hungry ghosts” ~ my need to nibble. I believe that the way the ionizer reduces the molecule size of the water has helped my brain to re-hydrate. So many older people drink far too little.

I read about a doctor specialist in Geriatrics who healed his patients through getting them to drink water. That’s true, but the water most of us drink, even filtered water, is nothing like as easy to drink as ionizer water. I drink it and love to drink it. It restored my ‘natural’ thirst, and I only realized I had lost it when it came back. I think as a nation we are all dehydrated and all acidic overloaded. If this water was available through our taps this country would be a very different, healthier one than what it is today.

Barbara Bond, Byron Bay, Australia

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I have had chronic fatigue syndrome since 1991.  Alkaline water has given me the energy to go back to work fulltime. …Wendy Bosch


Do water ionizers really help give you more energy?

I just take it for granted that I have lots of energy, but every so often I’ll hear a water ionizer story that reminds me I wasn’t always this energetic.

Today, I was talking to one of my customers, and she told me how, since she’s had her new water ionizer, she feels great now during her workouts. She works harder and longer…and doesn’t get as tired. So now she’s going to tell all her friends she works out with about this.

Before purchasing her water ionizer, she had no idea or plan for this to happen. This is just what happened. And, that’s after only about 2 months! I usually hear from around half my customers…something related to more energy since they purchased their water ionizer.

I was just thinking about my younger years, before my first water ionizer, and you know what? I remember not having as much energy as I do today back then. Wow! Over 16 years older, and I have actually more energy…all with the help of my little’ol water ionizer and wonderful ionized water!

Will water wonders never cease?!

Here’s to Your H2O Healthiness!
From Your Web-Master…
Cathleen LoGrasso

Energy and Sleep

Our family has been using the Jupiter Water Ionizer for the past two weeks and we have noticed quite a change in all of us.

Our youngest is 16 months old, has had more energy throughout the day; which, to our favour, has been sleeping better through the night. When she gets thirsty, she picks up her cup and points to the water cooler. However, I would advise parents who breast feed to take into consideration that your child is consuming more water than we realize.

On the other hand, the three adults in the family have had some changes also, to say the least! We have become more regular in our bowel movement. Our bodies have been releasing toxins through flatulation and through excessive urination.

We have also been using the acid water, which has cleared up dandruff. It has also helped with uncontrollable hair frizz and has made hair feel like silk. These are, however, minor to someone who has been using this system for some time.

These are only some changes that have occurred over a two week period, so one can just imagine the potential health benefits using this system over a lifetime, which we are definitely looking forward to.

K & D Peters, Edmonton, Canada

Heart Disease

Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

In my opinion, the wonder of ionized water is the ability to neutralize toxins; but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicines can only be applied to each individual case. Whereas ionized water can be consumed generally, and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured.
The patient was a 35 year old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment.

During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times. He had undergone high tech examinations such as angiogram by injecting VINYL via the vein into the heart. He consulted and sought treatment from many good doctors. Later he underwent a major surgical operation. Upon his discharge from the hospital, he quit his job to convalesce. However, each time when his illness relapsed, the attack seemed to be even more severe. Last year, in August, his relatives were in despair and expected he would not live much longer. It so happened at that time that the victim’s relative came across an ionized water processor. His illness responded well and he is now on the road to recovery.

Note: In the United States cardiovascular diseases account for more than one-half of the approximate 2 million deaths occurring each year. It is estimated that optimal conditioning of drinking water could reduce this cardiovascular disease mortality rate by as much as 15 percent in the United States (From: Report of the Safe Drinking Water committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977)

Gout and pigmentation

My daughter came home from a trip in the U.S. and told me to find out more about the alkaline ionic water processor which gives pollutants free water yet has all its minerals unlike the distilled water. I began to read up on the goodness of alkaline ionic water, the different kinds of water filters and processors and the types of water they produce.

In the first few months of drinking this water, I was pleasantly surprised that I did not experience any gout attacks, even minor ones. I don’t know when I started to have gout till about 4 years ago. I had my first severe gout attack. I began to experience more and more frequent attacks till in 1998 when just eating a piece of bean curd or drinking a small bowl of meat soup would give me a very painful gout attack. I needed 5 full doses of injections to relieve the pain.

Now, it is more than a year since I started drinking the water and I have not had a single gout attack.

Last but not least and it would not be fair if I do not mention here about the comments made by my husband and my friends that the dark patches of pigmentation on my face have shrinkened and lightened tremendously.

I hope you are encouraged by my testimony and start trying for yourselves if you have the same problem. Mrs. Ann M E Lee, a retired teacher


“I contacted a mild case of the E-coli infection five years ago when I was 58 years old. Despite being a mild case, the effects were anything but mild. An 18 month saga of distress began with an emergency room visit, prescriptions that relieved the severe pain but created digestive problems, and eventually ended with my trusted naturopath helping me return to health. Unfortunately, due to the prolonged period of inactivity, arthritis had really taken its toll on me. I suffered from painful arthritis in my hips, neck, shoulders, and ankles. While arthritis is not life threatening, is sure is a pain in the….well, just about everywhere. Even the simple things that we take for granted like walking up and down stairs were a real problem. I was becoming an old lady, which was not sitting well with me.

One day a friend of mine told me that I should start drinking ionized water, as the water had helped him with his arthritis. I was skeptical, but I couldn’t deny the success that he had found with the water, so I decided to give it a try. Imagine my surprise when I started to feel better. It got to the point that I actually returned to my Aquafit classes in the local swimming pool. As time progressed, my mobility and flexibility returned. Now I can do squats, which I never thought I would be able to do again. Walking for extended periods used to hurt my feet and cause my ankles to swell, but I recently walked two long trails in Algonquin Park without any pain and zero swelling.

There are also other subtle but significant effects such as: I can now take my rings off at night, my joints have stopped creaking and cracking and are much more flexible, my abdominal discomfort has disappeared, I sleep much better, I have more energy, and my concentration has improved. Now I can move around like the old days, and having flexible joints has allowed me to return to my passion for quilting. It gets even better. My acid reflux disappeared, I began to lose weight, and my Type 2 diabetes is now under control. It all may sound too good to be true, but every word is the truth. I would be happy to speak to anyone about my experience.”….A Canadian Friend

Muscular Pain

“For years I suffered uncomfortable rheumatic muscular aches / pains and digestive problems. After only 3-4 days of drinking alkaline water my muscular endurance improved dramatically. Now 12 months later, I feel 20 years younger and rarely have any problems. Also my digestive problems just disappeared!”…Dr. Eric Fairbank, Naturopath, Australia


I have had two customers in the past week tell me that their dentist commented on how much better their teeth were. One dentisted actually commented to the patient [customer], “You’re really alkaline”, and the other dentist said “What are you doing differently? Your teeth are so clean!” Both customers are happy about their switch to alkaline ionized water for these and many other reasons.




I have had Parkinson’s for about 8 years, and the Disease has steadily progressed. A friend offered me a sample of alkaline ionized water in April of 2009, after telling me that there was evidence that Parkinson’s patients had been helped by the water. I liked the taste and texture, so I began to drink it every day.
Prior to drinking the water, I was a member of a bowling team. I was not very good, but I enjoyed it. I was always worried about falling as I had been experiencing dizzy spells and had problems with my coordination. I never fell but there were plenty of times that I thought I would.
Once I began to drink ionized water, I noticed positive changes. It was hard for me to believe, because I have had the disease for so long, but my symptoms began to improve. I finished the bowling season in May, and my ability to move around with confidence improved each week. My score didn’t improve much, but my enjoyment of the game increased. I found myself able to move to the ball return and deliver the ball with confidence. That may not sound like a big thing to people who don’t suffer from Parkinson’s, but it made a huge difference to me.
I recently purchased my own water ionizer for convenience, and to take advantage of the water being as fresh as possible. It is important to drink the water fresh, as the ORP is the most effective when the water first comes out of the machine. You learn this stuff as you go.
Recently I visited my doctor at the University of Miami. I told him of the positive developments once I started drinking the water. He told me that if I wasn’t his patient, he would have a hard time diagnosing me with Parkinson’s. He said that I was certainly no longer the typical Parkinson’s patient. He requested that I send him a link about the water and of course I obliged.
Every day I seem to be improving. My hope in sharing this letter is that others may experience similar improvements, and of their symptoms and the quality of life for them will improve like mine.

Dry Skin


After drinking Alkaline Water for 3 months, my husband was free from gout and no longer depends on medication. As for myself, beside relief from the hassle of boiling water, I was pleasantly surprised by the hydration level of the alkaline water my body experienced. I am no longer troubled by the dry lips and flaky skin I used to get and of course it also saved me quite a fair bit on expensive skin moisturizers….Mrs. Sum


Eczema is used to describe several varieties of skin conditions, which have a number of common features. The exact causes of eczema are not fully understood. In many cases, eczema can be attributed to external irritants

Let me introduce a patient who recovered from skin disease after consuming the ionized water. This patient suffered 10 years of eczema and could not be cured effectively even under specialist treatment. This patient, who is 70 years of age, is the President of a vehicle parts company. After the war, his lower limbs suffered acute eczema, which later became chronic. He was repeatedly treated in a specialist skin hospital.

The left limb responded well to treatment, but not so the right limb. He suffered severe itchiness, which, when scratched, led to bleeding. During the last 10 years, he was seen and treated by many doctors. When I first examined him, his lower limb around the joints was covered with vesicles. Weeping occurred owing to serum exuding from the vesicles.

I advised him to try consuming ionized water. He bought a unit and consumed the ionized water religiously and used the acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks of treatment the vesicles dried up. The eczema was completely cleared without any relapse after 1 1/2 months ….Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center

Bowels and Skin


My mom just recently bought the Kangen filter machine. I thought it was a waste of money and didn’t really believe in it either. However, it seems to have had a noticeable effect on my mom. She’s always had trouble “going to the bathroom”” and constipation, but after drinking the Kangen water she’s been going to the bathroom normally and her “wastes” look/feel more normal. She also sprays the water on her face everyday and her skin does seem to glow more and her freckles are less noticeable….Angie, Colorado

Foot Ulcer

“I had a small toe on my left foot that had turned black down to the 1st joint and had to be removed. While in the hospital an ulcer on the ball of my big toe had formed. The doctor decided that if it were removed he could stitch up the area in order for it to heal itself. After many surgeries in an attempt to get the ulcer to heal, nothing seemed to make any improvement.

A while later a visiting nurse recommended a wound vacuum to be placed on the ulcer in an attempt to keep the area dry. This procedure went on for 2 1/2 months with no change at all. My surgeon abandoned the vacuum treatment and then wanted to stitch up the bottom of my foot again. I didn’t want to go through with this process again. This is because it hadn’t worked before and I had great doubts as to whether it would work this time as well.

I began to talk to a Doctor in Springfield who had high hopes for me. From his conversation and the tests he would perform he thought I might get some much-needed relief from having to bandage this wound everyday. I was very disappointed to find out he was going down the same path as my previous surgeon not to mention I wasn’t getting any results from the tests he had ordered either.

Springfield and never looked back. I told my wife I was going home and soak my feet in this pH water [acid] that my brother Jerry had gotten from you. I hoped this was going to work like he had heard it would from others. To be honest with you, I had my doubts but decided to give the water a try anyway.

I warmed the water up and soaked my left foot in it for about 45-60 minutes. I then allowed my foot to air dry and bandaged it. After doing this procedure for 3 days (December 21-24) on Christmas Eve I changed the bandage. To my surprise I noticed that the wound was healed over and the area was firm to the touch. I couldn’t believe it at first and called to my wife to come have a look to confirm what I was seeing. My wife had the same reaction that I had; she couldn’t believe it was finally healed!

It has been almost exactly 1 year to date since the ulcer appeared, which has caused me to miss work for 6 months straight, not to mention all the money that was lost in wages. I can’t begin to tell you what this healing pH miracle water has done for me. It has given me restored faith in God and his healing. I wish we had heard about this water many months ago.

Thank you so much!”Keith Norman

Kidney Infection


About 2years ago, my left kidney was not functioning due an infection that caused it to swell 30% and it was so painful. After medications with no results, the doctors decided that it should be removed. I was scheduled for operation in 2 weeks. Thats was when a friend told me about Kangen water. He gave me a couple of gallons and asked me to finish it as fast as I can. I normally drink 10 glasses of water so it was not a problem. Eleven days after my kidneys did not hurt as much as it did before. Going to the doctor for pre-operative checkup, he said that there has been a marked improvement and postponed my operation for 1 week. Its been 2years since then and I still have both my kidneys….Manila Phils

Kidney Disease


My kidneys were spilling so much protein that I was in the hospital and dying.  I am now spilling less protein than the average person and I lead a normal life.  I was on dialysis and now am off of it.  The Dr. says my kidneys are healed. …Tom Reidt

Colds and Allergies


I Live in Sweden and have started to drink this water since aug ‘09 and have never had a cold or allergies since then. At first even I was sceptic of cource when I first heard about it :) Not until a few months later I began to read a bunch of articles regarding why this water works… and I must say it is total logical.  …Daniel


Sometimes people ask me why I decided to start selling water ionizers.

The story starts over 16 years ago.

Life was much more complicated then. I took all kinds of nutritional supplements, but still had allergies, post-nasal-drip and periodic illnesses. Then I found  water ionizers! It has to be the best nutritional-related thing I’ve ever done! Actually, nothing in the past 36 years of research and investigation into nutrition and natural healing has come close to this in simplicity and truth…in what your body needs to be healthy [in a basic nutritional sense].

The reason ionized water helps you nutritionally has to do with the acid/alkaline pH balance in your blood, tissues & cells. When you’re acidic (which almost everyone is in the US) your cells can’t get rid of their acid wastes & so these build up in the cells, organs & tissues. The older you are the more acidic you become. Ionized water helps re-establish the pH balance you had as a child. Actually even better.

Germs, cancers, funguses & viruses need acidity to thrive. Only the healthy cells thrive in the correct pH environment.

Alkaline ionized water is the easiest, most natural way to restore the pH your body needs for health. First of all, you need to drink water, and lots of it, daily. However, you don’t need chlorine, fluoride or any of the other chemicals that are added to your water by your city water company. So a water ionizer filters & eliminates the bad stuff from your water. But beyond that it keeps the alkaline minerals (such as calcium & magnesium) in the water coming out of the top spout (your drinking water) and gets rid of the acidic, poisonous elements (such as fluoride, chlorine, etc.) out of the bottom spout.

Ionization also puts a negative charge on the water, making it a free-radical scavenger.

No substances are added to the water, and so there are no side-effects!

Cathleen LoGrasso

Poison Ivy

On my leg was a small red, swollen spot where I was hit by a flying pebble while trimming my Dad’s lawn edge a couple of days ago. At night it got itchy an pussy, and it seemed to be spreading. I got up and took a look at it. It looked like poison ivy got into it somehow. So I soaked it with high alkaline water. The itching and swelling went down. A half hour later I soaked it again, and it reduced to a small pink spot with a couple of small scabs on it. It doesn’t itch or bother me at all any more, so I imagine whatever poison was in there is now out and it is now healing rapidly.


Mr. Yamada, the head of Police Research Institute, suffered from severe allergy. He was treated repeatedly by skin specialist, but with no success. Then he started consuming ionized water. The allergy responded very well and was soon completely cured. No relapse had occurred, although he had taken all kinds of food. He was most grateful and excited about this treatment.

As for myself, I had also suffered severe allergy. Ever since I began to consume ionized water, the allergy has recovered. Since then, I started research on the effectiveness of ionized water.

I discovered that most allergies are due to acidification of body condition and are also related to consuming too much meat and sugar. In every allergy case, the patient’s antioxidant minerals are excessively low, which in turn lowers the body resistance significantly. The body becomes overly sensitive and develops allergy easily. To stabilize the sensitivity, calcium solution is injected into the vein. Therefore, it is clear that the ionized water–that has ionic calcium — can help alleviate allergy.

The ionic calcium not only enhances the heart, urination, and neutralization of toxins but controls acidity. It also enhances the digestive system and liver function. It will promote natural healing power and hence increase resistance to allergy. Some special cases of illness, which do not respond to drugs, are found to respond well to ionized water….Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga, Head of Kuninaka-Hospital



I am never sick since getting the machine, and all my friends and clients love that I share the water with them. My client who got me interested in the water got rid of her Fibromyalgia with the water. She feels great, I feel great, I am happy to spend my money on something that helps me rather than at the Dr’s office….Barbara Nelen, Orlando Florida

Raising Children with Ionized Water


One thing that makes me a firm believer in the power of ionized water is the fact that I raised a family of 5 children. The oldest 2 were in their late teens when we got our first water ionizer. They had allergies, colds, infections, etc. far more than the younger three. As a matter of fact, whenever I saw a cold symptom in the horizon, I’d get that child some extra water, and continue to get the child to drink extra until the symptom disappeared. The body really will heal itself if you give it the right water. I have had the same results with myself, but the fact that this worked for my whole family is significant in my eyes. …C. LoGrasso



I can say first hand that I drink Kangen water and have done so for 30 days. During this 30 days I have seen positive results in my health. I am a severe Asthmatic who used Advair twice a day plus my inhaler at least daily. After going on Kangen water I have not had to use my inhaler at all in thirty days, I am not taking Advair any longer, I have other health issues but suffice it to say the Kangen water is working in many areas of my life. …Penny, Birmingham, AL


I’d just like to say I’ve been drinking the Kangen water for two months and it’s eliminated my annoying issues with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). It eliminated my need to use various fiber products. We’re glad we bought our machine!…Jen W., Inland Valley

Chiropractor’s Perspective

Dr. Daniel Bettiol is leaving the profession of Chiropractic to pursue his clinically-tested belief that the primary causative factor in Headaches, Neck & Low Back pain is Dehydration of the tissues and the inability to eliminate accumulated Metabolic wastes from the body.

While treating over 3,500 patients and delivering over 120,000 chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Bettiol observed that over 90% of his patients were inadequately hydrated.

“My most consistent finding was that 100% of my chronic Headache and Low Back patients were severely dehydrated. Many of these patients acknowledged an absolute disdain for drinking water,” says Dr. Bettiol. “For those patients who adopted my daily water regimen, an immediate decrease in pain symptomology was observed. That result was too consistent to be a coincidence.”

Dr. Bettiol is determined to continue the work of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., who wrote the 1992 best-seller, Your Body’s many cries for Water. Dr. Batmanghelidj died in 2005, but his signature slogan “You are not Sick, you are Thirsty—Don’t treat thirst with Medications” lives on. “Dr. Batmanghelidj warned the public back in the 1980s that America’s thirst for Soda, Coffee, and Sugar-filled drinks would create a huge population of unhealthy and obese people,” says Dr. Bettiol. “To say his prediction was accurate would be a gross understatement.”

Bettiol begins his new journey with the firm opinion that ALL water is not optimum for health. His extensive research has shown that Tap, Bottled, Charcoal-filtered, Distilled and Reverse Osmosis Water is NOT the ideal Water for long-term health and healing. “America has ignored the miraculous healing being experienced by the Koreans and Japanese with Ionized Alkaline Water,” says Bettiol. “Where Bill Gates vision was a computer in every home, my lifetime mission is to get an Alkaline Water Ionizer in every home throughout the world. That would not only eliminate obesity, chronic pain and the need for useless Medication, Surgery & Radiation…it would single-handedly cut our annual $1.5 Trillion health care costs by 90%.”

“I would rather people spend more time with their families, their hobbies and the work they love, than sit in a doctor’s office for four hours waiting for a doctor’s visit they really DON’T NEED.”….Dr. Daniel Bettiol

Video Testimonials

These are video water ionization testimonials of people who have been drinking ionized water and want to share their fantastic results!

We Hope You Enjoyed Your Water Ionizer Video Testimonials!


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